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Category Abbreviations Used in MBBSCouncil for NEET Cut off

category abbreviations for neet-score cut-off

These are some of the common abbreviations used to denote various categories and quotas in educational admissions. However, it’s advisable to refer to the specific documentation or help section within the MBBSCouncil for the precise abbreviations they use.

OPQOpen India Quota (Central Government Institutions – All India Level)
AIQAll India Quota (Government Colleges – All India Level)
SQState Quota (Government & Private Colleges – State Level)
MNQManagement Quota (Deemed University – All India Level)
MQManagement Quota & Minority Quota (Private Colleges – State Level)
OPNOpen Quota (Private Colleges – All India Level)
NRINon-Resident Indian Quota (Government Colleges & Deemed University – All India & State Level)
APOCOpen Category
APSCSchedule Caste
APSTSchedule Tribe
APMNG-MMMuslim Minority
APEWSEconomically Weaker Section
ASSTPSchedule Tribe Plain Area
ASSTHSchedule Tribe Hilly Area
ASSCSchedule Caste
ASOBCOther Backward Class
ASMKMotak Category
ASMNMoran Category
ASPHPerson With Disability
ASTGLTea Garden Labour
ASFFFreedom Fighter
ASEVExtremist Violence Category
ASESEx-serviceman/Serving Defence Personnel Category
ASEWSEconomically Weaker Section
ASCAChar Area Category
BHBCBackward Class
BHEBCExtremely Backward Caste
BHRCGReservation Category Girls
BHSCSchedule Caste
BHSTSchedule Tribe
BHDQDisabled Quota
BHSMSikh Minority
BHMMMuslim Minority
BHEWSEconomically Weaker Section
CHOBCOther Backward Class
CHOBC-FemaleOther Backward Class Female
CHST-FemaleScheduled Tribe Female
CHSTScheduled Tribe
CHUR-FemaleUnreserved Female
CHSCScheduled Caste
CHSC-FemaleScheduled Caste Female
CHUR-SGeneral Armed Forces
CHUR-NCGeneral – No Class
CHEWSEconomically Weaker Section
CHUR-FFFreedom Fighter
DLGNGeneral Category
DLOBCOther Backward Class
DLSCSchedule Caste
DLSTSchedule Tribe
DLCW-EWSCentral Window – EWS
DLCW-GNCentral Window – General
DLCW-OBCCentral Window – OBC
DLCW-SCCentral Window – SC
DLCW-STCentral Window – ST
DLMMMuslim Minority
DLEWSEconomically Weaker Section
GJGNGeneral Category
GJSCSchedule Caste
GJSEBCSocially and Economically Backward Class
GJSTSchedule Tribe
GJEWSEconomically Weaker Section
HRBCABackward Class A Category
HRBCBBackward Class B Category
HRGNGeneral Category
HRSCSchedule Caste
HRESMEx-Service Men
HRFFFreedom Fighter
HRPHPhysically Handicapped
HREWSEconomically Weaker Section
JHGNGeneral Category
JHSCScheduled Caste
JHSTScheduled Tribe
JHBC-IBackward Class Category – I
JHBC-IIBackward Class Category – II
JHEWSEconomically Weaker Section
KA1GOBC – Category 1
KA2AGOBC – Category 2A
KA2BGOBC – Category 2B
KA3AGOBC – Category 3A
KA3BGOBC – Category 3B
KAGMGeneral Merit
KASCGSchedule Caste
KASTGScheduled Tribe
KADEFDefence Category
KAGMPGeneral Merit Private
KAJKJammu and Kashmiri migrants
KAMAMinority Lingustic Tamil
KAMCMinority Christian
KAMEMinority Lingustic Telugu
KAMKMinority Lingustic Kodava
KAMMMinority Muslim
KAMUMinority Lingustic Tulu
KANCCNational Cadet Corps
KAPHPhysically Handicapped
KAS-GScouts and Guides
KASPOSports Quota
KLMUMuslim Category
KLBHBackward Hindu
KLBXBackward Christian
KLDVDheevara Related
KLKNKusavan related communities
KLLALatin Catholic and Anglo Indian
KLSCSchedule Caste
KLSTSchedule Tribe
KLSMState Merit
KLVKViswakarma Related
KLACChristian Minority
KLDADegree/Diploma – Ayurveda
KLDHDegree/Diploma – Homoeopathy
KLDKSon / Daughter of Defence Killed
KLPHPhysically Handicapped
KLSDSon / Daughter of Serving Defence Personnel
KLXSSon / Daughter of Ex-Serviceman
KLEWSEconomically Weaker Sections
MHCOMNGeneral Category Common
MHOBCOther Backward Class
MHSCSchedule Caste
MHSEBCSocially and Economically Backward Class
MHSTSchedule Tribe
MHVJVimukta Jati
MHD1Defence Category-1
MHD2Defence Category-2
MHD3Defence Category-3
MHEWSEconomically Weaker Sections
MHMKBMaharashtra Karnataka Border
MHNT1Nomadic Tribes – Category 1
MHNT2Nomadic Tribes – Category 2
MHNT3Nomadic Tribes – Category 3
MHMINOMinority Quota
MHIQInstitutional Quota
MPOBCOther Backward Class
MPSCSchedule Caste
MPSTSchedule Tribe
MPEWSEconomically Weaker Section
ORSCSchedule Caste
ORSTSchedule Tribe
ORGCChildren of Green Card Holders
ORPC-1Physically Challenged Category-1
ORPC-2Physically Challenged Category-2
OREWSEconomically Weaker Section
PBBABackward Area
PBBCBackward Class
PBGNGeneral Category
PBBRBorder Area
PBTAChildren/GrandChildren of Terrorist Attack
PBSRChildren/GrandChildren of Sikh Riot
PBWDWards of disabled in service
PBWAWards of Ex-Servicemen with Awards
PBWA-1Paramvir Chakra 26.1
PBWA-2Ashok Chakra 26.2
PBWA-3Maha vir Chakra 26.3
PBWA-4Kirti Chakra 26.4
PBWA-5Vir Chakra 26.5
PBWA-6Shaurya Chakra 26.6
PBWA-7Sena, Nau Sena, Vayu Sena Medal 26.7
PBWA-8Mention- in- Despatches 26.8
PBSPOSports Person 17
PBWXWards of Ex-Servicemen 27
PBWPWards of Punjab Police Personnel, Punjab Armed Police, Punjab Home Guards, and Para-
Military Forces
PBWP-1Killed in action 31
PBWP-2Disabled in action to the extent of 50% 32
PBWP-3Winners of Police Medal 33
PBFFChildren / grandchildren of Freedom Fighter 34
PBJKJammu and Kashmir Migrants
PBEWSEconomically Weaker Section
PYBCMBackward Class Muslim
PYEBCExtreme Backward Classes
PYGNGeneral Category
PYMBCMost Backward Class
PYBTBackward Tribes
PYOBCOther Backward Class
PYEWSEconomically Weaker Section
PYGN-KGeneral Category-Karaikal
PYGN-YGeneral Category-Yanam
PYGN-MGeneral Category-Mahe
PYGN-MSPSports Category
PYGN-FFFreedom Fighter
PYGN-EXWards of Ex-Servicemen
RJGN-BGeneral Category Boy
RJGN-GGeneral Category Girl
RJMBC-BMost Backward Class Boy
RJMBC-GMost Backward Class Girl
RJOBC-BOther Backward Class Boy
RJOBC-GOther Backward Class Girl
RJSA-BSchedule Tribal Area Boy
RJSA-GSchedule Tribal Area Girl
RJSC-BSchedule Caste Boy
RJSC-GSchedule Caste Girl
RJST-BSchedule Tribe Boy
RJST-GSchedule Tribe Girl
RJEWS-GEconomically Weaker Section Girl
RJEWS-BEconomically Weaker Section Boy
TABCAOBC- Category A
TABCBOBC- Category B
TABCCOBC- Category C
TABCDOBC- Category D
TABCEOBC- Category E
TAOCOpen Category
TASCSchedule Caste
TASTSchedule Tribe
TAMMMuslim Minority
TAMNG-MMMuslim Minority
TAEWSEconomically Weaker Sections
TNBCBackward Class
TNBCMBackward Class Muslim
TNMBCMost Backward Class
TNOCOpen Category
TNSCSchedule Caste
TNSCAScheduled Caste Arunthathiar
TNSTSchedule Tribe
TNMNG-MMMalayam Minority
TNMNG-TMTelugu Minority
UPBC-GBackward Class Girl
UPBCBackward Class
UPSC-GSchedule Caste Girl
UPSCSchedule Caste
UPST-GSchedule Tribe Girl
UPSTSchedule Tribe
UPUR-GUnreserved Girl
UPEWS-GEconomically Weaker Section Girl
UPEWSEconomically Weaker Section
WBBCABackward Class A Category
WBBCBBackward Class B Category
WBGNGeneral Category
WBSCSchedule Caste
WBSTSchedule Tribe
WBEWSEconomically Weaker Section